Social and Emotional Development | Emotional Development, Self-Concept and Social Competence and Relationships |
Language and Literacy Development | Listening, Speaking, Emergent Reading and Emergent Writing |
Cognitive Development | Mathematical and Logical Thinking: Number Concepts and Operations, Patterns and Relationships, Spatial Relationships/Geometry, Measurement and Mathematical Reasoning Scientific Thinking and Problem Solving: Observing, Questioning and Investigating Social Systems Understanding: Human Relationships and Understanding the World |
Physical and Motor Development | Gross Motor Development, Fine Motor Development and Physical Health and Well-Being |
Approaches to Learning | Curiosity, Risk-Taking, Imagination and Invention, Persistence and Reflection and Interpretation |
Creativity and the Arts | Creating, Responding and Evaluating |
Religious Education | The children will develop an awareness of God, the bible, learning prayers, empathy, respect and values through developmentally appropriate activities including being kind and loving to each other. We also celebrate all Catholic holidays. |
Free Choice Time | During free choice time or “free play” children are allowed to move freely throughout the entire classroom. Socialization skills, problem solving skills, cooperative play and many other skills emerge from free choice time. Below is a list of areas in your child’s classroom. |
Dramatic Play Area | Encourages problem solving skills, role-playing, socialization skills, language skills and cooperative play interactions. | |
Book Area | Provides a quiet area to learn early letter and word recognition. | |
Manipulative Area | Encourages math skills, cooperative skills, fine motor skills and turn taking. | |
Science Area | Encourages children to appreciate nature and the environment, to experiment, discover and to develop cause and affect skills. | |
Sensory Table | Encourages hands on expression. | |
Art Area | Provides a variety of medias and opportunities for creative expression. | |
Block Area | The children are able to use math skills, problem solving skills, large/fine motor and spatial relationships. | |
Music Area | Encourages music appreciation. The children are also exposed to music of different cultures. | |